last change:
February, 28 2025
About CaTer
CaTer means Cartridge Terminal. It is a terminal program for the C64 providing a
serial terminal for Linux or Unix hosts. CaTer is written in assembler and
resides in the memory at $8000. So it is possible to make either a CaTer auto
start cartridge, or to load it with a BASIC loader from disk. For a convenient
configuration of the Linux host, termcap and terminfo files as well as
suitable settings for the shell are provided. CaTer is published under the
terms of GPL.
- Correct representation of all ASCII characters and some
ISO-LATIN-9 characters including
the € sign.
- Keyboard input of all ASCII characters and control characters
- 300, 1200 and 2400 baud, 8N1 communication with 3-wire handshake, 9600
baud with hardware handshake with Daniel Dallmann's 9600 baud
- Interpretation of the most important ANSI ESC commands. The font
attributes bold and underline are represented as different colours.
Reverse characters are displayed reverse (what a surprise!-). Even ANSI
fore- and background colours are interpreted as good as possible.
- Connection to a host via a XS1541 cable with XD2031 firmware (needs
to be tested).
- XMODEM sender and receiver.
Further new features since version 1.0
- Config menu to set baud rate, floppy device number, and the
connection over the IEC bus.
- New timings for 1200 and 2400 baud in the PAL version to make these
speeds reliable.
- Improved user guidance and help.
- Colour support in terminfo and termcap file.
- Cursor can be set invisible.
- Vim syntax file for 6502 assembler.
- Many bug fixes, see changelog.
Below is a list of some of the programs
being tested successfully with CaTer.
Have also a look at the
- vi* (vim, nvi)
- mutt
- less, man
- info
- aptitude
- w3m
*) If someone uses EMACS, tell me :-)
There are three ways to get CaTer:
Complete archive with all sources, the compiled EPROM image,
documentation, disk image, and unix files.
- cater.d64 The CaTer binary along
with a BASIC loader on a D64 disk image. Especially useful to test CaTer
within a C64 emulator.
- Single Components:
The present and older releases of CaTer can be found on the ↥Sourceforge page.
Related Links
These things were helpful for me and may be helpful for you.
- ↥xa, an
open-source 6502 cross assembler. It is used to compile the CaTer
- ↥VICE emulator, emulating
Commodore 8-bit computers including the C 64
- A microcontroller driven ↥eprommer for the serial port.
It depends only on a terminal emulator on the host and therefore is
suitable for any operating system.
- ↥Daniel Dallmann's 9600 baud interface Meanwhile, this site is down
and the only remnant I could find is at ↥
- ↥vt102
- ↥XD 2031
firmware and software to conntect a linux host to a C64 as floppy and
communication bridge. A suitabe hardware for the connection is the
↥XS 1541.