


last change: February, 28 2025

About CaTer

CaTer means Cartridge Terminal. It is a terminal program for the C64 providing a serial terminal for Linux or Unix hosts. CaTer is written in assembler and resides in the memory at $8000. So it is possible to make either a CaTer auto start cartridge, or to load it with a BASIC loader from disk. For a convenient configuration of the Linux host, termcap and terminfo files as well as suitable settings for the shell are provided. CaTer is published under the terms of GPL.


Further new features since version 1.0 are:


Below is a list of some of the programs being tested successfully with CaTer. Have also a look at the screenshots.

*) If someone uses EMACS, tell me :-)


There are three ways to get CaTer:

The present and older releases of CaTer can be found on the ↥Sourceforge page.

These things were helpful for me and may be helpful for you.